Friday, April 25, 2008


-i dont like my face to be hot, it instantly makes me uncomfortable
-my favorite meal is dinner, therefore i usually end up eating way to much
-i dont like to go to the movies during the day, i feel like it wastes precious daylight
-i dont care if people like me, but i want them to think i look good
-i dont consider myself a pessimist, but if you ask about a cup, its half empty
-im a sucker for bright lights and loud noises
-i love a good pb&j
-tv takes up to much of my time
-i am a huge snuggle bug
-i get uncomfortable when people cry
-i dont like the act of getting into the water, but once im in, i love it
-im scarred of tunnels and caves, even if they have been there for millions of years, i think it is all going to cave in on me
-i was born in canada (hold the canuck, jokes please)
-i wish i could live my life on one big traveling adventure
-i have little sympathy for diseases that people bring upon themselves
-i want to fly a fighter jet for the air force
-i can listen to an amazing song over and over again never get sick of it
-i envy the people who can buy whatever they want, whenever they want
-buying something awesome immediately brightens my day
-i think bread and butter is the perfect combination
-i hate ignorance and intolerance
-i wear clothes with the tags still on until i decide if i want to keep them
-dessert should be after every meal
-i struggle with making small talk
-i search through almost everyday
-i love to drive
-its hard to change my mind once i've decided something, i will go to far lengths to make it happen
-i want to get into yoga and pilates
-i release from stress by getting away from it, like literally leaving the city its in
-i hate when an opportunity is missed
-i have a real appreciation for sunshine and warm weather
-i enjoy hearing useless facts, and usually retain them, however i tease those who pass them out
-i dont really like babies or kids, unless i have some sort of attachment to them
-singing is one of my favorite things to do, but i am terrible
-my husband is one of the smartest people i know
-i like to try new things just to say i did it
-i recommend marriage to everyone
-i dont understand the fascination and necessity some people find in alcohol
-i wish i kept up with more people from my past
-40 hour work weeks are way too long
-waking up in the morning is the worst part of my day
-i love to dance
-i wish i knew how to play the piano
-i love sappy love stories
-scenery is more beautiful when water is involved (i.e. stream, lake, river, ocean, waterfall)
-backpacking should be more of a priority, i love going
-i love beautiful scenery
-sunsets are my favorite time of day
-i have imagined the perfect place to live, but have yet to find it
-i loved my crazy broken childhood, i have no complaints
-i love the uniqueness of each of my family members
-for the longest time i wanted to be a dolphin trainer, part of me still does
-i can not spell very well, although if you have read this blog before, i'm sure you already know that
-spending time with justin is my favorite activity

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Blogger lisa said...

k, i can TOTALLY see you as a dolphin trainer... don't let that dream die!

April 28, 2008 at 9:43 AM  
Blogger Drew and Kat said...

Some of these are too funny!! I think you guys should follow your need for sunshine and water and come visit Orange County~ =)

April 29, 2008 at 6:59 PM  
Blogger Heather Heaton said...

Wow Kelly, I feel like I know you so much better now!! I feel the same way about babies and kids1

May 3, 2008 at 4:17 PM  

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