Monday, November 26, 2007

christmas came early

so i know the tradition is to put the christmas tree up the day after thanksgiving, but justin and i couldnt resist around the 4th of november. thats right, almost two months before the actual holiday. we have this fake tree that we inherited from my mother, so we thought, why not? so sunday afternoon we put it up. what we didnt realize is that we had absolutely no decorations for it. it was just a dull fake tree. the next day, justin went out to the dollar store and picked up some great ornaments. when i got home from work that night, we had a beautifully decorated tree. i wish i could take some credit for it because it looks so good, but it was all him.

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Blogger kenny said...

Wow; my husband has been begging to do this, but small apartments and big trees don't mix. So... I totally remember you! I'm surprised you'd suggest that I wouldn't remember Sheri's best friend who was always at the Rollins whenever I was there! Anyway, I got your message and I'm excited for you to go to New Zealand. You'll love it. All we had were plane tickets, too. Well, we had our first night booked at a hotel (because who wants to drive around looking for one after a 13 hour flight?), but other than that, we just went for it and it was honestly the best. I have a ton of suggestions and advice, but I don't want to bore your readers, so send me your email and I'll tell you all about it. Looking forward to an interested listener! --Jill

November 26, 2007 at 9:10 PM  

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